
To continue to provide selfless acts of kindness helping the most vulnerable folks in our community.


serves the North and Northeast Portland communities of houseless folks – including seniors and persons with disabilities who live on the streets in tents, cars, or RVs. We differ from NHN PDX because we also knew that housed low-income seniors and persons with disabilities are struggling to maintain their yards or needed help with cleaning out their garage & basement.  Although housed, these neighbors also experience food scarcity, mental illness and are in need of help/assistance.

About Us

Our desire to serve people living on our streets, help people fill a need, be a system of support for struggling families keeps me motivated to do something tangible rather than nothing. As long as our communities are struggling, I will continue to be a resource, a system of support and information – in short an advocate if you will. While I know the service I provide will not fix our over-arching problem, it is at the moment bringing comfort, relief and hope to what seems like, to the recipient, a lost cause, the end of the road or hopelessness. I believe that if you see a need you should try to fill that need or at the minimum pass that need on to someone who can possibly direct folks in the right direction to get that need looked at and or filled.