Getting to know the community

Freinds Of Ours was created in March of 2023 when Terrance Moses a (Retired Serviceman), community activist and Kenton resident, Read More

Giving Tuesday is just around the corner and there are many organizations to choose from that does great work and need financial support. While you’re thinking about which one you want to give to this year consider us. We are local organization, community based and that serve our Houseless community. we help them maintain their trash by providing the trash collection. we also serve the lunches, give water and clothing. we also act as a mediator between the housed and un-housed in hopes of removing the friction and uncomfortableness. We also offer support to our housed who are struggling to maintain their homes. we offer cleanout services, repairs, and food boxes in hopes of giving them a sigh of relief for at least one more day. we are small enough to be easily missed, small enough to not qualify for most grant opportunities and small enough to be under the radar of an organization that need support. But we are small and enough that we make an impactful presence in the communities we serve. Donate Here or scan QR code.

Up Coming Events

Thanksgiving Lunch for the Houseless:

Nov 26th, 2023 – Delta Park Bottle Drop

We serve 60 to 80 of our Houseless folks a warm meal and provide them with a pair of socks. we do this annually and each year the numbers continue to increase. we strongly believe that everyone deserves a meal housed or un-housed. Read more!

You can donate to our making Christmas possible Drive, now to – Dec 23rd, 2023.

If you need a Christmas blessing for you and your family, or you know someone who can use some Christmas cheer. fill out the form and email it to us.


who we serve for the holidays.

  • Kenton Womens village
  • Sj Johns village
  • PCT Safe rest village
  • families that apply for assistance

Mobile showers coming soon! Our hope is to have one of these by summer 2024 stay tunned.